While the best solution for the uncertainty of the financial assets of the company financial security, secure source of income and clear sailing, we are not always happy. In times of uncertainty, not knee-jerk reactions based on our reaction and material to arrive at a sense of security to ensure security is not always displayed when they ask. We must realize that the horse must have a sea of uncertainty, which does not mean full of big question marks, we set our emotional orto maintain psychological security.
In fact, we may be perfect for a unique place to remember other sources of anti-stress, and make them more effective. Apart from a sense of security, peace and anti-stress of a certain financial situation our ability to remain emotionally intelligent expected, as to solve the problems and the solution makes sense to provide and maintain the attention and continue to enjoy the life and our social circles safer and more pleasant for others. Thismaintain our quality of life and strengthening our mental health, regardless of financial situation, with which we have done.
The Top 10 of the following possibilities, with the financial capacity handles the move with examples of material that abstract solutions such as physiological relaxation, and cognitive thought. My intention is to offer a series of examples, so that your personal decisions can reflect natural inclinations. Relaxation is the key to emotional intelligence, a goodProblem solving, solutions and make the psychological well-being for themselves and for family members and friends. Imagine a conscious awareness and stress management programs, if not your car pilot program in an optimal way.
Top 10 to address the financial burden
Material 1: Ideally, the mechanism of fight or flight response, literally erasing the threat. This mechanism is a remnant of our primitive brain, but we need, and if a materialSolution is available, may be the right way. Consolidate secure forms of investment, as it can ensure a safe and sustainable source of revenue and maintain a substantial savings. Consult a financial expert you can trust and use their advice.
Cognitive 2: recognize that many uncertainties swirling around us, the experience in interviews, media, and the mental decline of our symbols of safety, our tendency is to more stress. If we have more experienceStress-prone, we help more concerned (a possible relief mechanism), we tend to think in terms of worst case scenarios, and we tend to become addicted to this thought. I see this as a way perhaps for the fight or flight mechanism attempts to eradicate the threat to us. But we have a series of perceptual information that the security has increased, relaxes the mind active our emotions from the grip of fear, and leave us, the optimism and confidence in safety. These images,The circumstances and the objects could be literally anything. What are the first 10 people, experiences, objects or images, where they experience a heightened sense of peace, satisfaction or security?
3 Tune Out: Moving our perception of the message, the cognitive overload because of the darkness of uncertainty and fate seems to be the only news that frees the mind to concentrate on the tasks, goals, interests, and construction suggestions that exists independently of Financial focusguaranteed. These are difficult to achieve if we stay tuned to the next screen and strengthen the awareness that the uncertainty is upon us hyper-vigilant. Even if your job is to visit the market fluctuations and financial evaluation, it is also your job to promote your mental health and emotional well-being. This means easing financial concerns and recognize that there are other places where your sense of security, psychological and emotional resultWell-being. This practice is necessary for you, your immediate family and the health and welfare of their friends and acquaintances. Do your job!
Relax 4: Set a time and place where every day you can relax, unwind, thoughts, analysis, concerns of work, task and goal of cognitive skills and the like, is crucial for the opening of the relaxation response. Their fear is driving your thoughts? You're probably working out of the usual fight or flight response, and itsassistant to stress hormones and neurochemicals memories. If you think your best to reach a solution that presents a problem to rest and relax at the end allows you to achieve the objectives? Then you're probably fine with the fight or flight mechanism in order to achieve your goals, as a type A personality may be. But you should be aware that the relaxation response, which does not achieve the objective or material to permit drive. It helps to have aEnvironment is relaxing, it helps to have a ritual or a habit that led the relaxation, and helps you to leave your thoughts, habits, memory, and hormones and neurochemistry of stress, good stress also tend to be activated. Relax your mind.
5 Gain: Spending time with people, animals, nature experiences, on the boat, hunting friends, your hobbies, fishing, curling hair, or whatever you do, where you have the feeling of relaxation,Satisfaction, joy, satisfaction, all the possibilities that exist for rejuvenation. Too often we are too serious to solve problems, take the time to solve problems or measures and dedicated 24 / 7, until the security back to us. All these places and times that we are passive experience peace, relaxation, contentment, joy, happiness and even love of the places we forget too easily and de-prioritization. State-dependent memory-free access to emotional andto create psychological well-being of these places, and the easiest way to go to the access to this psychological safety stock back and visit these places, either physically or by remembering to turn again deliberately, which leads to short-term memory and cross Network-this part of our consciousness with our current situation.
6 Re-think: One of the most difficult to change is the turn of thought, that stress can bring to mind the most realistic orDepending on the situation. Stressful thoughts can control your thinking, and it is difficult to change, because they are wired emotionally in the process. Fear may, anxiety or doubt play a powerful, narrow, deeply rooted, ancient school of thought. We actually are not related to drama, what-if-Ing, or "worst case = reality" with the hunger, fatigue, anxiety, fear, or the like, but hormonal, physiological and neurochemical stream we can find these thoughtsproduced outside of the narrative life. Let's put it differently. If you have a bad back, I have not eaten all day or are stressed by the little things in life, you can have real physiological conditions that trigger stressful thoughts, even if you think that usually the opposite. Check the validity of your thoughts. If you think that with the formation afraid to label them. If you are dramatizing, tags them. If you dwell on the idea that the worstScenario is inevitable, stickers, and let it go. The fight or flight system is working on the identification of a threat real or imagined, and turn it off or away from it. Thinking outside the box, allows us to identify the underlying causes of stress and a more accurate assessment of the situation and we coach in a creative, solution-option-making. Or we can decide, and let go at the moment.
7 Use relaxationTechniques: My favorite is to have a file of images of nature, my favorite trips in the mountains, desert or along the coast, and use this as a screen saver. When my screen saver is displayed, the memory is triggered by the emotions associated with these places restored access, and instead of returning to a thought-program, or wait for someone to give me a program of optimism, I work with a satisfaction program . Your favorite may be the last time you spent with friends,Urban animals in your preferred environment, your parents, grandparents, or at home. While it is possible for up to 20 minutes or more before relaxing to spend this kind of images in order to reduce anxiety to a moderate level of cumulative barriers, and psychological relaxation, and maybe a therapist or other professional services (which I recommend greatly benefit if the fear is intense and persistent, or significantly interferes with work or relationships), is healthy for most of us, richand wise.
8 Be aware of alternative relaxation techniques: sufficiently meditation, yoga, exercise, time in nature, a massage, casual dining, even a bubble bath for some of you to switch between stress and in relaxation mode. The cognitive thinking under stressful circumstances of displacement, in line waiting, waiting, waiting for service or action by others can be very valuable in the sense of other stress factors and their impact to a minimum. Create a list ofActivities and things to offer relaxation promotes our sense of self-empowerment and creates a more independent form of relaxation, apart from the literal "financial security = relaxation of the strategy of our psyche falls far behind too often tend to concentrate.
9 Know yourself: know when and how you tend to react to stress and stress. In times of increasing uncertainty and stress-resonant as 911, Hurricane Katrina or the uncertainty of Wall Street, wehave a higher degree of stress that can affect the baseline. This means that if we deal with the hungry we can fly if we do not get exactly what we do when we (the proof of safety and control) will be subject to bleeding, in order to protect our senses to react, are safety, or that removes a psychological threat to the way they would literally be a threat. Do you know what tends to relax, and do the little things, such as strengthening thoughts and feelings, relaxationIn one part of the low level of stress of a regular situation, deliberate practice.
10 Recognizing the spectrum: if the body relax, this affects the amount of stress hormones and neurotransmitters released into the bloodstream and activate your stress reactions and memories. If you relax your mind, you tend to veer away from memories that cause stress physiology and neurochemistry. If you change your feelings and emotions that are outside the peace-love-arrayInfluence on your thinking and the tension in your body. If you remove the cause you are concerned about information or cause fear, or lose valuable time in environments relaxation, fun, safety, satisfaction, contentment and love, these, they affect your body, mind and emotions.
While it can not escape from worry, anxiety or frustration, take the time to access and correct way to relaxation, satisfaction and security outside of the material. Their health andWell-being depends on how the health and welfare of the family, friends and social circles. Have a great day.